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Warsztaty dotyczące rozwoju sieci 6G

(Data i czas/Date & Time):
03/02/2022 09:00 - 04/02/2022 17:00

W dniach 3-4 lutego 2022 odbędą się wirtualne warsztaty organizowane przez europejski projekt flagowy w zakresie rozwoju sieci 6G, Hexa-X oraz kilka innych projektów w tym zakresie, min.: TeraFlow, REINDEER, RISE-6G, 6G-BRAINS, DAEMON, B5G-OPEN, MARSAL, COREnect i AI@Edge.

Dwudniowe warsztaty obejmą szeroki zakres tematów demonstrujących ambicje, postęp i możliwości w kierunku rozwoju sieci 6G, w tym postęp w rozwoju systemów Smart Connectivity jako platformy dla Internetu nowej generacji w celu obsługi wysoce elastycznej infrastruktury łączności.

Wspomniane projekty sfinansowane zostały z Programu H2020, w ramach tematu:
5G PPP – Smart Connectivity Beyond 5G (ICT-52).


Agenda spotkania:

3 lutego 2022, g.  9-12 CET

  • Opening by EC, 15 min
  • Welcome and 6G vision from organizing project Hexa-X, project lead Mikko Uusitalo, 10 min
  • Hexa-X: Introduction of the European 5G/6G IA whitepaper on 6G, 20 min
  • 6G use cases and societal values – including aspects of sustainability, security and spectrum
    • Hexa-X: 6G use cases and societal values – including aspects of sustainability, security and spectrum
    • REINDEER: Emerging interactive use cases: technical requirements and quantification
    • TeraFlow: TeraFlow use cases for a novel cloud-native SDN controller for beyond 5G networks

3 lutego 2022, g. 14-17 CET

  • Radio and sensing for 6G
    • Hexa-X: Initial radio models and analysis towards ultra-high data rate links in 6G, 20 min
    • Hexa-X: Localisation and sensing use cases and gap analysis, 20 min
    • RISE-6G: Reconfigurable, intelligent, and sustainable wireless environments for 6G smart connectivity, 20 min
    • Asian view on RIS, 20 min
    • 6G BRAINS: Channel measurements and high accuracy positioning approaches, Xun Zhang, Diego Dupleich, Benjamin Meunier, 20 min
    • REINDEER: In search of drastic energy reductions: the potential with RadioWeaves technology, 20 min
    • DAEMON: Energy-aware Orchestration of Virtualized RANs: Experiments and Algorithms, 20 min
    • DAEMON: Reliable RAN Virtualization in Shared Platforms, 20 min

4 lutego 2022, g. 9-12 CET

  • Architecture, network evolution and expansion towards 6G
    • Hexa-X: Initial B5G/6G architectural components and enablers, 20 min
    • Hexa-X: Gap analysis and technical work plan for special-purpose functionality, 20 min
    • B5G-OPEN: Building an open power-efficient packet-optical white box, 20 min
    • MARSAL: MAchine learning-based, networking and computing infrastructure ReSource mAnagement of 5G and Beyond inteLligent networks: the MARSAL Vision
    • Asian perspective on 6G Architecture, 20 min
  • HW for 6G
    • COREnect: Trustworthy and Energy efficient computing in 6G, 20 min
    • COREnect: RF enabling technologies for THz communications and sensing, 20 min
    • COREnect: Sensor Processing in 6G, 20 min

4 lutego 2022, g. 14-17 CET

  • Connecting intelligence towards 6G
    • Hexa-X: AI-driven communication & computation co-design, 20 min
    • Hexa-X: Gaps, features and enablers for B5G/6G service management and orchestration, 20 min
    • DEDICAT 6G: Data marketplace for access control, asset sharing and privacy-preserving AI/ML, 20 min
    • AI@EDGE: Bringing AI to the Edge, 20 min
    • Dan Warren, Samsung: AI&6G, 20 min
    • North American view on AI&6G, 20 min
    • DAEMON: Learning to Predict for Automated Network Management, 20 min

Dodatkowe informacje o projektach realizowanych w ramach tematu ICT-52:

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