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Wsparcie nauki dla polityk i strategii regionalnych w Europie

(Data i czas/Date & Time):
22/04/2021  14:00 - 17:00

Zapraszamy na serię warsztatów pt.:”Strengthening and connecting eco-systems of science for policy across Europe” organizowanych przez Wspólne Centrum Badawcze Komisji Europejskiej (the JRC).

Więcej informacji poniżej oraz rejestracja na stronie JRC:

The workshop series consists of 20+ virtual workshops that will be held between September 2020 and September 2022. The series was launched in September 2020 with an online workshop about “science for policymaking at the centre of national government”, followed by a four more workshops covering different aspects of science for policy eco-systems (Parliament; academies of science; public research institutes and universities; Belgium).

Two further workshop dates have been confirmed for the first half of 2021:
• 22 April (14h00-17h00 CET) “Science for policymaking in Denmark” – registration platform link
• 19 May (13h30-16h30 CET) “Science for policymaking in Latvia” – registration platform link

Also we invite you to already register via this survey. We would also be keen to collect your views on the quality of the science for policy eco-systems in your region and/or Member State via this short, 5 minute survey.


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