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Brussels Talks on the European Research Council with Prof. Maria Leptin

(Data i czas/Date & Time):
09/02/2022  14:00 - 15:00
Platforma Click Meeting
Biuro NCBR w Brukseli/BSP


Powered by NCBR – Business & Science Poland

Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 14h00-15h00

European Research Council – Europe’s unique way to support frontier research

We cordially invite you to attend our monthly meeting with a distinguished guest

Prof. Maria Leptin

President of the European Research Council

Hosted by Ewa Kocińska-Lange, Director, NCBR Office in Brussels/Business & Science Poland


What are the funding opportunities offered by the ERC?

What  are currently the main challenges faced by the ERC?

How can the ERC help fight the current COVID-19 outbreak?

What are the ERC plans towards strengthening the participation of scientists from lower-performing regions in terms of research?

How is the ERC supporting gender balance?


If you would like to know this and more, join us and take part in our Q&A session!

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